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Welcome to the 7From1 Community
by GabTalks
We are A Network of Problem solvers

You are in business to solve people’s problems, salve their pain, or increase their satisfaction. The nature of being human means that once we resolve one issue, we find ourselves with new problems to solve, or we seek new satisfactions. And often, the person or resource who solved the last is not the person or resource to solve the next.

What if there was a trusted community where you could turn to tap someone’s metaphorical shoulder and refer them to solve the next problem? Then create a cross-pollination collaboration between each other. A place where you can point someone who isn’t the right fit for you to someone else who does what you do – AND is a better fit. Well, now you have a place for Co-Op-itition. Everyone in this community begins from a place of integrity and agrees that when these connections are facilitated, there is an affiliate component with a % of the income offered as financial gratitude.

This is how Gabriella A.K.A. Gab has conducted herself in business, creating her 6-figure revenue and facilitating connections between many others, and now she is bringing this community. If you are here, you know this is a very powerful community that supports each other, and you will be able to make high-quality integrous connections to move your business forward.

Begin by adding yourself to the Rolodex; on average it takes less than 10 minutes.

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